
Preparing your people for the jobs of the future

The jobs of the 21st Century demand that workers add value through their skills, knowledge and ability to make effective use of information. This applies equally from the retail store, construction site or factory floor to the research lab or corporate office. From elementary school through higher education and into the workforce, Intelligent Communities transform their education systems to lead citizens into good-paying employment or entrepreneurship, which build the prosperity of the community and its people. The alternative is to deny opportunity to those without the right skills and dent the growth prospects of the community. 

Ladder of opportunity

Intelligent Communities create a knowledge workforce through strong and continuing collaboration among local government, employers and schools. Each contributes and each benefits from the contributions of others. Together, they turn education into a ladder of opportunity teaching skills that are in demand and connecting young people with opportunities in the region to strengthen the community’s economic and social foundation. They also create avenues for lifelong learning to ensure that the skills of their people continuously evolve to equip them for new job opportunities.

Take an online course on developing a knowledge-rich workforce. Learn more →

Read our report, Ladders of Opportunity. Learn more →

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