
24617 directory listings
Tanja Kankaisto
Every next level of your life will demand a different version of you.

Kuziwa Chief Marange
#God deh pon mi side#Watch me Lord!!!

Coby Sullivan
Retain the spirit of infancy into the era of adulthood.

The Ladder
What if we could solve *real* problems locally the way tech scales globally -and reach SDGs? With 17k design sprints by 425 Ladder communities worldwide by 2025

roger fedrer
Jaipur, RJ

Tait House
Not for profit social enterprise - open to public. Mr. Taits cafe, Childcare facilities, Hair & Beauty, Thermal uplifts, Insulation services, space for rent.

Jerry Smith
Toronto, ON

Evelyn Van Til
Opening doors through open source! Making a difference in Columbus tech & economic development @techtalentsouth #cbustech #startuplife #sherpa

4DQC AI , Deep learning and VR for construction company 4DQC Copyright © 2018

miguel monteverde
Caracas, Dto. Capital
bla bla bla etc

kris erickson
Toronto, ON

Jannat Maqbool
Mum, wife & lover of coffee doing a masters in #fintech + advisory, projects & lecturing - #iot #agritech #smartcities @waikatotech @iotwaikato @cultivateitnz

Kamilla Sultanova
Sharing Nordics with the world. Entrepreneur, Tedxspeaker, workforce diversity, empowerment, workshops & events. @EuropeanYoungLeader #EYL40 #GlobaldignityFi

Jeff Wells
Jennings, LA