
24566 directory listings
Icf Canada
We enable Canada's communities to become more liveable and economically successful. We are the first Intelligent Community Forum in-country office

Sarah Briggs
Wife, Mom to Henry and Jack, Director of Public Affairs, AT&T (opinions my own) Loves: Photography, Wine, Cooking, Soccer, and The Tragically Hip.

Irene Lammers
Enthousiast voorvechter van een Digitale Agenda van Brabant. Projectleider Grand Initiative en Graduate School Data Science, Noord-Brabant.

Thibaut Temmerman
MA Affaires publiques et internationales @UMontreal, recherchiste rédacteur @jefaismtl. Bénévole @Vuesetvoix. #eu, #polQC #polmtl, #DD, RS.

City of Oshawa
Official Twitter for the City of Oshawa. Monitored during regular business hours. For Service Oshawa: Mentions do not imply endorsement.

Local Government Nz
Local Government New Zealand is the strong voice for great local government.

Digital Gold
#DigitalMarketing #SocialMedia #OnlineMarketing #PublicRelations #Websites #DigitalPhotography @SallyRodgersAU #Australia

Etienne Sakr
Montréal, QC
Étudiant à l'École Polytechnique, la technologie est ma passion. Fédéraliste, libéral et fan du Canadiens, j'aime les débats politiques et sportifs.

Contact Mtl
#ContactMTL is Greater Montréal Ambassadors Network. News about business, innovation and education. Success stories that shine a global spotlight on our region!

Kathleen Pretty
Executive Assistant at the Sarnia-Lambton Economic Partnership, Sarnia, Ontario

Marlborough, MA
We're a public-private partnership for local #planning, #economicdevelopment & #jobgrowth. We're here to help new & existing #Marlborough MA businesses succeed!

Gabe Sawhney
Designer, entrepreneur, creative technologist, innovation strategist, futurist. @urbandigitalTO @wirelesstoronto

Franco, J. S.
Citizen. Philosopher. Student of Classical Studies. Economist. Pedestrian and Cyclist. Curious about smart, livable, lovable, democratic, and just cities.

CBRE San Diego
San Diego, CA
CBRE is the definitive market leader in San Diego commercial real estate and trusted advisor for both owners and occupiers of commercial space.

San Diego Tourism
San Diego, CA
Official San Diego Tourism Authority Member/industry partner news & info.

Le Journal Connecté
#IoT News & Trends #IndustrialIoT #IoTStrategy #IoTplatform #IoTCanada #wearabletech #smarthome #smartcity #innovation #connectedcar managed by @IlhamLmissaoui

Tourisme Montréal
We tweet about meetings, events & business travel! Discover our blog: (For leisure travel updates, also follow @Montreal) #eventprofs

Ed Dodds
Nashville, TN
citizen eScientist
information asymmetrist

Fabienne Bovis
Trade Commissioner - The views expressed on this page are my own.

Community Art Centre giving RegentPark youth & adults free visual arts programs, instruction & materials, year-round; w/ healthy snacks & a hot meal #ArtHeartTO

Dairy Lane Dental
Huntsville, ON
Dr. Shervin, Dr. Gemmell and the Dairy Lane Dental team welcome your new smile to our Huntsville dental clinic located in beautiful Muskoka.

Canal do Mei
Site que traz informações para os microempreendedores individuais e empresários em geral, com foco em pequenos negócios. E-book:

Central Coast News
Independent Community Newspaper for the Central Coast

Yening Liu
Interdisciplinary background in International Economics and Urban Planning.

Sarah V Wayland
Hamiltonian-American. Family woman. Lover of nature, community, art, and city living. Person of faith. Not necessarily in that order.