Top7 Trends in 2025: A Conversation with the Founders and Executive Leadership of ICF, Part 1
In this episode of The Intelligent Community, ICF Co-Founder Lou Zacharilla moderates the conversation with Co-Founders, Robert Bell and John Jung and Executive Director, Matthew Owen.
Read moreCriador do conceito de Smart City, John Jung elogia Curitiba em visita técnica para a escolha da comunidade mais inteligente do mundo em 2024
O fundador do Intelligent Community Forum (ICF), John Jung, está em Curitiba para a avaliação da cidade antes da eleição da comunidade mais inteligente do mundo. A capital paranaense é uma das sete finalistas ao prêmio, que será entregue em novembro em Barcelona, durante o ICF Global Summit. Assaí, no interior do estado, também concorre ao título em 2024. As duas cidades paranaenses são as únicas da América Latina na lista deste ano.
Read moreBinh Duong on right track in developing smart city: ICF
Binh Duong is on the right track towards its goal of smart and sustainable development when focusing on innovation, shifting to modern industries with high added value, and investing in infrastructure, social housing and education, said a supervision delegation from the Intelligent Community Forum (ICF).
The delegation, led by John Jung, co-founder of ICF, made the assessment on September 7 at a working session with leaders of Binh Duong during their trip to the southern province to inspect the realisation of goals and proposed orientation in the coming time.
Read moreDiscussing Black Rock: A novel by John G. Jung (Part 1) - The Intelligent Community Podcast
In this special edition of The Intelligent Community, Lou Zacharilla is joined by ICF Co-Founder John G. Jung, to discuss Jung's book "Black Rock."
“Never-Heard Of” Communities are Best Bets for Smart City/Intelligent Community Best Practices
Can global “No-Name” cities act as some of the world's best models as smart and Intelligent communities? You bet! Look at the current list of the SMART21 cities and the TOP7 Intelligent Communities this year to get a clue.
Among the world’s smartest examples include cities you may never have heard of before such as Whanganui, New Zealand; Townsville, Queensland, Australia; Elefsina, Attica, Greece; and Markham, Ontario, Canada. Each one of these cities offers initiatives, programs and governance examples that exhibit best practices that communities around the world can learn from or be inspired to emulate. From the 2022 ICF Smart21 list, you probably have only heard of four cities before: Adelaide, Belfast, Philadelphia, and Rochester. Some of you may have heard of two or three more on that list. But I bet most of you have never heard of the rest. But you should. They may have solutions, ideas and pathways leading to your next innovation staring you in the face.
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The Intelligent Street
Will you be living on an Intelligent Street?
In a post Covid world I anticipate a much different respect for the hyper-local aspects of communities than we exhibited before the pandemic. Over the time we stayed closer to our homes we discovered our neighborhoods, local markets and restaurants and the street in front of our homes. We got to know our neighbors, the local store clerks, and our postal service delivery representatives. I am certain that once we feel confident to once again travel further than our neighborhoods, we will explore cities, regions and international destinations once again.
Read moreNo Place BUT Home: The New Abnormal - Episode 1, with Joe Berridge, Luigi Ferrara and Ibrahim Almufti
What will our cities look like post-COVID? Will we ever trust our cities again? Is "density" the new enemy of urban planning? In this new segment of No Place BUT Home, we look at issues of vital importance that relate to the health, design & economic future of the places we live.
Read moreDealing with a Global Threat – the TOP7 Announcement that almost didn’t make it.
At the beginning of the New Year in 2020 we were looking at the threat of war rising out of the rhetoric coming out of Washington and from Tehran. I had a flight planned to travel to Kuwait in January to give a keynote address as part of the Kuwait Public Policy Center’s Lecture Series at the General Secretariat of the Supreme Council for Planning & Development in Kuwait. See: As the tensions grew and missiles were fired that downed Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 on Jan. 8, I debated my flight to Kuwait, which neighbors Iran on the Persian Gulf. Ultimately, I made the trip via Cairo and spent an uneventful, but very enlightening, week in Kuwait. Upon my return we immediately had another crisis to deal with – whether or not the ICF Institute-organized ICF TOP7 event in Taoyuan, Taiwan would continue or not due to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China.
Taoyuan Intelligent Aerotropolis
As cities and regions continue to grow, one of its key economic and city-building drivers will be “airport cities”, known as an aerotropolis. These are massive projects that bring together major free trade zones and logistics activities. They also often bring together air, rail and road connectivity making them very desirable locations for businesses and for high-value products and related light-weight manufacturing and assembly activities that can be efficiently shipped by air cargo. But these airport cities or aerotropolis developments can also bring together other aspects of city building, such as entertainment, restaurants, markets and educational facilities. As a virtual city, it will also be filled with people who may wish to reside in or near an exciting aerotropolis requiring places for everyday shopping, culture and health-related facilities.
Read morePodcast - Sunshine Coast: A Top7 Community of 2019
The Sunshine Coast is a metropolitan area that spreads across 2,291 square kilometers of Australia’s coastline about 100 kilometers north of Brisbane. A sub-tropical paradise of beautiful beaches and scenic mountains, the Coast has experienced boom times and almost doubled its population since the 1980s from tourism and retirement relocation, which drove the growth of construction and retailing. But the ebbing of the commodities boom that fueled Australia’s economy has revealed the fragility of the local economy.
To help its population overcome economic challenges, the Sunshine Coast government introduced the “Speed It Up” campaign, designed to spread knowledge of the benefits of high-speed Internet access as well as how to obtain it. The city also introduced a series of training and innovation-focused programs over the past several years, lowering its youth unemployment rate to only 5.4%. Click here to read more about the Sunshine Coast.
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