“Never-Heard Of” Communities are Best Bets for Smart City/Intelligent Community Best Practices
Can global “No-Name” cities act as some of the world's best models as smart and Intelligent communities? You bet! Look at the current list of the SMART21 cities and the TOP7 Intelligent Communities this year to get a clue.
Among the world’s smartest examples include cities you may never have heard of before such as Whanganui, New Zealand; Townsville, Queensland, Australia; Elefsina, Attica, Greece; and Markham, Ontario, Canada. Each one of these cities offers initiatives, programs and governance examples that exhibit best practices that communities around the world can learn from or be inspired to emulate. From the 2022 ICF Smart21 list, you probably have only heard of four cities before: Adelaide, Belfast, Philadelphia, and Rochester. Some of you may have heard of two or three more on that list. But I bet most of you have never heard of the rest. But you should. They may have solutions, ideas and pathways leading to your next innovation staring you in the face.
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Markham ranked 2nd safest city in Canada: report
Markham is the second safest city in Canada, according to a website that compares cities around the globe.
Numbeo ranked Markham second behind Quebec City on its top 10 list released in June based on a crime index of 22.22 and safety index of 77.78.
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