From Research to Results: The Substance Behind Smart Cities
Many have theorized that tools like broadband networks and Internet of Things (IoT) sensors — technologies that provide access to information through telecommunications — can improve the lives of residents. However, few have gone directly to residents to understand how these tools, commonly referred to in academic literature as smart city information and communication technologies (ICTs), truly affect city dwellers. The authors of “The effects of successful ICT-based smart city services: From citizens' perspectives” attempt to do just that, surveying residents to make an empirical case that smart city ICT applications do indeed improve quality of life. However, the article concludes that integrating residents’ needs and preferences into application development processes is critical to creating an effective smart city infrastructure.
Melbourne scores globally as Intelligent Community of the Year
NEW YORK CITY – Melbourne, Australia, won “Intelligent Community of the Year” this week at the at New York-based Intelligent Community Forum’s annual ICF Summit.
The ICF also for the first time called for affordable broadband to be declared a utility for public benefit by cities and official agencies. The prestigious annual award measures communities on six “Intelligent Community Indicators”: Broadband, Knowledge Workforce, Innovation, Digital Equality, Sustainability, Advocacy.
Read moreMelbourne, the most liveable and intelligent city in the world
It's official. Melbourne has now been recognised as the world's most intelligent city on top of its long standing crown as the world's most liveable city.
The Intelligent Community Forum (ICF), a global think tank based in New York, has awarded Melbourne the 2017 Intelligent Community of the Year at a ceremony in Manhattan.
The ICF is a global network of 160 countries, cities and towns with a think tank at its heart.
Read moreIpswich in world’s Top 7 Intelligent Communities
10 February 2017
Ipswich has been recognised as a global leader in the application of digital innovation to advance community prosperity and liveability after being named among the world’s Top 7 Intelligent Communities at a conference in Taiwan.
Mayor Paul Pisasale said the prestigious accolade was recognition of Ipswich’s ability to think global and act local, embrace digital technology and adapt to change.
“Ipswich is once again recognised as one of the Top 7 Intelligent Communities of the world as assessed by the New York based smart cities think tank, the Intelligent Communities Forum (ICF),” Cr Pisasale said.
Read moreThe Top7 Intelligent Communities of 2017
The Intelligent Community Forum announced its list of the Top7 Intelligent Communities of the Year. The 15th annual Top7 list includes communities from four nations, with Australia, Canada and Taiwan each contributing two, and Russia contributing a seventh community in a first-time achievement for that nation.
Read moreCity promotes ICF Taiwan
【記者洪小蕾台北報導】為架構亞洲智慧城市建設交流平台,推動台灣智慧城市應用成果為國際之櫥窗,「經濟部加速行動寬頻服務及產業發展推動小組」 與ICF(Intelligent Community Forum)於2017年2月9日(四)假香格里拉台北遠東國際大飯店三樓宴會廳舉行「2017國際智慧城市論壇暨ICF Taiwan成立大會」。
Read more2017 Intelligent Community Forum & ICF Taiwan Inaugural Meeting
由網路科技所引發的物聯網時代來臨,為智慧交通、智慧健康以及智慧生活等產業帶來創新契機,各縣市政府也逐步打造極具地方特色的創意城市,發展成宜居樂活智慧城市。由世界通訊端協會(World Teleport Association;WTA)所成立的智慧城市論壇(Intelligent Community Forum;ICF),每年舉辦全球智慧城市評比,從全球數百多個城市選出Smart 21,再從中選出Top 7,最後選拔出年度首獎。
2017年台灣共有5個城市入圍:基隆市、桃園市、嘉義市、臺南市及宜蘭縣,入選城市數量僅次於加拿大。經濟部於2月9日舉辦「2017國際智慧城市論壇暨ICF Taiwan成立大會」,邀請亞洲矽谷物聯網產業大聯盟榮譽會長施振榮擔任主席、亞洲矽谷投資長翁嘉盛擔任副主席。智慧城市論壇主席兼共同創辦人John G. Jung、智慧城市論壇共同創辦人Louis Zacharilla以及加拿大、荷蘭、愛沙尼亞城市代表特別來臺見證亞洲第一個成立的ICF區域性組織。
Read moreTaoyuan City chosen as one of the ICF global top 7 intelligent communities
國際組織「智慧城市論壇」 (Intelligent Community Forum,簡稱ICF)9日在臺北市紅樓河岸留言會館公布「2017全球7大智慧城市」入選名單,桃園市再次獲選全球7大智慧城市的殊榮,並將在下一階段,再與其他獲獎的6個城市進行TOP 1的競爭。
桃園從全球近四百個城市脫穎而出,再次獲得國際智慧城市論壇評選為「全球7大智慧城市」(Top 7),這對桃園市民與在地努力耕耘的產、官、學各界及市府團隊而言,都是一項最大的鼓勵及肯定。2017年獲獎城市包括台灣桃園市、嘉義市、俄羅斯莫斯科、澳洲墨爾本、澳洲伊普斯威治、加拿大艾德蒙頓、加拿大格雷郡等7個城市,該組織並將桃園市的獲獎特色公告於網站上,這對桃園市的國際城市行銷,產生莫大的效益。
Read moreICF global top 7 intelligent communities: Taoyuan City, Chiayi City selected
國際智慧城市論壇慶祝成立20周年,2017年2月9日在台灣成立ICF Taiwan,並公布入選Smart 21的Top 7城市,台灣的嘉義市、桃園市也在其中,獲獎的評選項目包括寬頻、知識勞動力、數位平等、創新、永續性及行銷倡導等6大智慧城市指標,對市民及在地努力耕耘的政府、民間企業而言,都是極大鼓勵及肯定。
創辦於1999年的國際智慧城市論壇(Intelligent Community Forum,ICF),宗旨為推廣全球寬頻經濟及運用資通訊科技的最佳城市案例,2015年在加拿大多倫多慶祝成立20周年,2017年2月9日在台灣成立ICF Taiwan,是亞洲第一、全球第二個成立的ICF區域性組織。
Read moreChiayi City 4G smart city one of the world's 7 top communities
國際智慧城市論壇(Intelligent Community Forum,ICF),日前宣布2017全球7大智慧城市(TOP7)入圍名單,嘉義市以wifi熱點覆蓋率全國第二,為4G智慧城市全國示範點,從smart21擠進全球7大智慧城市TOP7行列。
嘉義市長涂醒哲說,嘉義市105年首度參與全球智慧城市評比,在全球400多個城市激烈競爭中脫穎而出,擠入前21強,第二階段評比更進一步,名列TOP 7,成為全球7大智慧城市,下階段嘉義市將再與其他獲獎的7個城市,角逐全球最佳城市。
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