Podcast - Leadership in a Time of Crisis
In this special episode of The Intelligent Community, ICF Co-Founder Robert Bell speaks with Hamilton Mayor Fred Eisenberger about leadership throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
Policing the Intelligent Community - Hamilton, ON, Canada
In this series with mayors, police chiefs and other leading thinkers on the topic of policing and collaborative leadership, we ask how Intelligent Communities are responding to the issue and what advantages and best practices they might offer others.
Read morePolicing in Intelligent Communities - Stratford, Ontario, Canada
In this series with mayors, police chiefs and other leading thinkers on the topic of policing and collaborative leadership, we ask how Intelligent Communities are responding to the issue and what advantages and best practices they might offer others.
Read moreThe New Abnormal: Data Governance, New Technological Paradigm; Who's Really Taking Your Temperature?
In this #NoPlaceButHome discussion, we move away from the topic of physical space and density in communities and move to another topic: privacy. ICF Co-Founders Lou Zacharilla and John Jung speak with Kristina Verner, Monique Crichlow and Jean-Noé Landry in the third discussion of The New Abnormal series.
Read moreNo Place But Home: Caledon, Ontario, Canada and COVID-19 with Mayor Allan Thompson
In this video, ICF Co-Founder Robert Bell talks about COVID-19 and Caledon with Mayor Allan Thompson.
Read moreHamilton and the Smart21 Announcement
On October 25, ICF will be announcing the Smart21 Communities of 2019 during an event taking place in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. ICF co-founder John Jung sits down with Lou Zacharilla to discuss the event, in this week's Intelligent Community podcast. Learn more about the event here.
- John Jung, Co-Founder, Intelligent Community Forum
Louis Zacharilla, Co-Founder, Intelligent Community Forum
The Sharing City: Intelligent Community Case Studies for Sharing Solutions to Common Challenges
As we approach the 2018 Smart21 Announcement in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada on October 25, 2018, there is an added twist to this event this year, a Community Roundtable. It will be a great opportunity for communities to showcase their cities, towns and regions, but equally important is the fact that these are all Canadian communities, big and small, urban and rural, that had previously been recognized by ICF’s adjudicators as a SMART21, TOP7 or Intelligent Community of the Year. They will each speak to what makes their community smart and intelligent and what some of their key challenges were and what solutions they applied to resolve these challenges. Some may even brag about how this process has helped their community focus their transformation to become smart cities and intelligent communities. And some may even boast about how their use of the brand as a SMART21 city or TOP7 Intelligent Community may have helped them attract investors, jobs and talent to their communities.
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