Revealed: Tallinn tops the list of the best cities for millennials to start businesses

Today, more and more young people are exposed to the idea of travelling for work, with a recent study showing that half of all millennials would consider moving abroad for opportunities. With that in mind, GoCompare has released new research charting the best cities around the world for millennials to start their own businesses.

The research measured cities according to metrics essential for young entrepreneurs, including the availability of funding at the early stages of a business, ease of registering property, trading across borders, diversity, and the cost of living.

Topping the list was Tallinn, Estonia, a destination that is known for being digitally savvy, with many children learning computer programming in school from an early age. In 2016, the Estonian government launched the Estonian Startup Visa programme, an initiative that allows non-EU nationals to move to the country and work for Estonian start-ups, as well as relocate and found a company there. The country also had the best cost of living of any of the European destinations studied.

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Victoria Krisman
Victoria Krisman is Interactive Media Specialist and Communications Manager for the Intelligent Community Forum.
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