Smart21 of 2019 Announcement at ICF Canada Event in Hamilton, Ontario

Learn about Canada’s top SMART21 Cities from previous years in the Intelligent Community Awards Program. In addition to learning about the amazing host city’s evolution as one of Canada’s top innovation hubs, meet and hear from over a dozen other cities from across Canada about their amazing transformation as among Canada’s top SMART21 Intelligent Communities. How did they develop their extensive broadband infrastructure? What are their most important and innovative applications? How is data analytics transforming their communities into efficient and cost-effective powerhouses? Learn what knowledge centres are doing to create talent and what these communities are doing to attract and retain them… and more.

In the evening, join us at a reception for the global announcement of ICF’s SMART21 Communities of 2019. A full program can be found below. You can find out more information and register here:

October 25, 2018 at 10:00am - 7:30pm | Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Hamilton City Hall Council Chambers

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