At Brainport, Everything is Connected to Everything in 2038

One of the pillars of the success of the Brainport region is cooperation. Cooperation in chains between networks of suppliers and OEMs and cooperation in the multi helix to create the optimal conditions for successful companies and groundbreaking innovations. And yet, at the start of the future study of Brainport Eindhoven, the participants indicated that even more cooperation was needed, both within the region and with parties outside of it. Cooperation is crucial for the development of future generations of applications and systems. Because even more than now, everything will be connected with everything by 2038.

People and technology are closely intertwined and the interconnectedness of systems is great. Wearables and intrables continuously measure the health of people, in mobility autonomous cabins communicate with the infrastructure around them, drones monitor the growth of crops and blockchains register the exchange of energy between local and regional grids. In all sectors, people and devices work together almost unnoticed. Robots and cobots can be managed ‘mind-controlled’ and anticipate people’s behaviour. High-speed digital 8G networks collect data on the behaviour and interaction of people and technology. Databots interpret the yottabytes to data streams in real-time and adjust algorithms based on the patterns they identify. In new situations where artificial intelligence is still lacking, they brainstorm with users about the best and desired options.

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Victoria Krisman
Victoria Krisman is Interactive Media Specialist and Communications Manager for the Intelligent Community Forum.
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