Summit Program



June 6: Economic Development Day

The first day of the Summit is devoted to the economic development and CIO agendas of ICF’s global membership. The morning schedule provides time for business meetings of ICF and its Summit partners, followed by an economic development matchmaking session.  We then formally open the Summit, present a keynote panel and welcome attendees to a networking reception.  The events on June 6 will be taking place in multiple locations in Manhattan. Click here for the locations list.

09:00 – 11:30

CIO Roundtable

Location: Microsoft Technology Center, 11 Times Square, 7th Floor, New York, NY

An expert panel of municipal CIOs debate the key challenges, obstacles and opportunities created by technology in their communities.  Moderated by Moez Chaabouni, Solutions Architect, Informatica. 

Panelists include:

  • Andrey Belozerov, Deputy CIO, Moscow City Government
  • Don Ingle, Chief Information Officer, City of Boulder, Colorado, USA
  • Stu Johnson, Executive Director, Connect Ohio
  • Douglas McCollough, Chief Information Officer, City of Dublin, Ohio, USA
  • Peter Quinn, Chief Information Officer, New York City Department of Education
  • Geoff Samson, Manager, Strategic Projects, City of Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
  • David Weng, Deputy Chairman, ICF Taiwan

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   DouglasMcCollough.jpg   PeterQuinn.jpg

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ICF Board Meeting

Annual meeting of the Foundation Board, restricted to Directors and observers. 

Location: Paul Hastings, Room 26-160 Triboro, 200 Park Ave, New York, NY 10166



ICF Canada Board Meeting

Location: Hogan Lovells US LLP, 875 Third Ave, New York, NY 10022


13:00 – 15:30



Economic Development Matchmaking

Location: Australian Consulate-General, 150 East 42nd Street, Floor 34, New York, NY


ICF provides all delegates with the opportunity to meet each other in a speed dating format. This offers cities, companies and institutions the chance to explore strategic partnerships, business location and market entry opportunities, joint projects and trade and investment opportunities.  In a series of scheduled 20-minute introductory meetings, participants will present their goals and capabilities, and identify potential areas for future collaboration.  Moderated by John Jung, Co-Founder, ICF. Location: Australian Consulate-General, 150 East 42nd Street, Floor 34, New York, NY (Map)



Welcome to Summit

Location: The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, 1 East 42nd Street, New York, NY

ICF co-founders, ICF Institutes, ICF Nations and partner representatives

Speakers include:

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The Internet of the City

Location: The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, 1 East 42nd Street, New York, NY

A panel of city, university and technology experts showcase the smart city programs of the City of New York – past, present and future – as models for public-sector innovation in pursuit of better quality of life.   Moderated by John G. Jung, Co-Founder, Intelligent Community Forum

Panelists include:

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Welcome Reception

Location: The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, 1 East 42nd Street, New York, NY


June 7: Community Accelerator Day

A central feature of ICF's Community Accelerator is a Master Class for community developers.  Summit 17 will provide a preview of Master Class content focusing on the different challenges facing urban and rural communities.  This unique program is co-located with the annual meeting of the Digital Government Society, a global, multi-disciplinary association of scholars interested in the development and impacts of digital government.  Performing Arts Center, City University of New York at Staten Island, 2800 Victory Boulevard, Staten Island.  Collocated with the Digital Government Society (DGS). 




Rendezvous at Staten Island Ferry Terminal, 4 Whitehall Street, Manhattan

ICF staff will be on hand to guide you to the waiting room for a complementary ferry crossing to Staten Island, which offers views of New York Harbor, the Statue of Liberty, the Verrazano Narrows Bridge and the New Jersey shoreline development.  On the Staten Island side, ICF staff will guide you to shuttle buses that will take you to the Staten Island campus of the City University of New York, the city’s gateway to educational opportunity.  





Morning Plenary Session

Moderated by Dr. Roberto Gallardo, Founder, ICF Institute at Mississippi State University, and Meghan Cook, Digital Government Society.

Speakers Include:

  • Welcome to the joint ICF and Digital Government Society Day
  • The Revolutionary Community Keynote
    • Speakers include:
  • Challenge Question for the Day

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Refreshment Break



The Top7 Conversations

DGS Workshop

DGS Doctoral Session

10:30: Top7 Conversation: Chiayi City, Taiwan

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11:00: Top7 Conversation: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

  • Speakers Include:
    • Carolyn Campbell, Deputy City Manager (Communications and Engagement), City of Edmonton
    • Gary Klassen, Deputy City Manager (Sustainable Development), City of Edmonton
    • Louis Zacharilla (Moderator), Co-Founder, Intelligent Community Forum 

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11:30: Cultural Presentation

12:00: Top7 Conversation: Ipswich, Queensland, Australia

Speakers Include:

PaulPisasale.jpg    RobertBell.jpg

Presentation of papers by DGS members followed by discussion.

Presentation of papers by doctoral students followed by discussion.



Lunch Break



ICF Urban Master Class

ICF Rural Master Class

DGS Workshops

DGS Doctoral Session

Tutorial from the ICF Master Class focusing on urban development in the digital age.

Speakers Include:

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BlairPatacairk   RobVanGijzel.jpg

Tutorial from the ICF Master Class focusing on rural development in the digital age.  

Speakers Include:

NormanJacknis.jpg   DavidBrunnen.jpg   RobertoGallardo.jpg


Three simultaneous workshops for presentation of papers by DGS members followed by discussion.

Presentation of papers by doctoral students followed by discussion.



Refreshment Break



Challenge Session

Leaders of ICF and DGS lead a discussion with panelists and the audience that seeks answers to the Challenge Question raised at the beginning of the day.  Moderated by Roberto Gallardo and Meghan Cook.

Panelists include:

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Shuttle Bus Transport to the Staten Island Ferry



Top7 Intelligent Communities Reception

Location: The Museum of American Finance, 48 Wall Street, New York, NY

Speakers include:

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June 8: Intelligent Community of the Year Day

On the final day of the Summit, we complete our intimate conversations with the Top7 Intelligent Communities and learn about the strategies, technologies and cultural environment of the City of New York.  The day ends with the Intelligent Community Awards Dinner and the naming of the 2017 Intelligent Community of the Year.  Plenary Location: MIST Harlem, 46 West 116th Street, New York, NY. Awards Dinner Location: Landmark on the Park, 160 Central Park West, New York, NY.


Registration and Continental Breakfast

Location: MIST Harlem, 46 West 116th Street, New York, NY


The Internet of Cities and Regions

Metropolitan regions everywhere feature sharp contrasts between prosperity and stagnation. Investment, talent and innovation tend to flow into the urban centers and bypass the outer areas, except in those cases where it is the inner city that has stagnated while the suburbs and exurbs expand.  This panel session explores the urban-suburban-rural divide that characterizes metropolitan regions around the world, as well as the opportunities to bridge that divide.  Moderated by Louis Zacharilla, Co-Founder, ICF and Douglas McCullough, CIO of the City of Dublin, Ohio.  .   

Panelists Include:

  • Nathalie Crutzen, Associate Professor & Director of the Smart City Institute, HEC Liege, University of Liege, Belgium
  • Gary McCarthy, Mayor, City of Schnectady, New York, USA
  • Tom Roach, Mayor, City of White Plains, New York, USA
  • David Weng, Deputy Chairman, ICF Taiwan

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Top7 Conversation Grey County, Ontario, Canada 

  • Speakers Include:
    • Alan Barfoot, Warden, Grey County; Mayor, Georgian Bluffs
    • Savanna Myers, Manager of Economic Development, Grey County
    • Kim Wingrove, Chief Administrative Officer, Grey County, Ontario, Canada 
    • Louis Zacharilla (Moderator), Co-Founder, Intelligent Community Forum 

AlanBarfoot.jpg    SavannaMyers.jpg    KimWingrove.jpg    LouZacharilla.jpg



Refreshment Break



Top7 Conversation: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia


CityTech Talk




Lunch Break



Top7 Conversation: Moscow, Russia

AndreyBelozerov.jpg   RobertBell.jpg


CityTech Talk or Cultural Presentation



The Internet of People

More than geography separates the digital “haves” from the “have-nots” in a metropolitan region.  The deepest divide is between those who know how to use information to advance their careers and enrich their lives, and those who do not.  This panel asks what is truly needed to shatter the divide and bring more of our citizens into the broadband economy.  Moderated by Mary Lee Kennedy, Intelligent Community Strategist.  

  • Panelists Include:

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CityTech Talk



Top7 Conversation: Taoyuan, Taiwan

  • Speakers Include:
    • Jiunn-Ming Chou, Deputy Secretary General, Taoyuan City Government
    • John G. Jung (Moderator), Co-Founder, Intelligent Community Forum

Jiunn-MingChiou.jpg    JohnJung.jpg


Closing ceremony



Intelligent Community Awards Dinner

Location: Landmark on the Park, 160 Central Park West, New York, NY.

Reception and dinner featuring Visionary of the Year keynote and selection of the Intelligent Community of the Year.

Speakers Include:


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Registration >>>


Intelligent Community Awards Dinner, 2016