Intelligent Community Certification is provided in two stages: Provisional Certification based on self-reported data and Full Certification that validates this data through an onsite audit. Provisional Certification starts every community's journey while supporting its economic development program. Full Certification continues that journey and provides audited results to share with site selectors, investors, and startups and businesses pursuing growth.
Provisional Certification
The municipality, county or region completes an online Assessment Questionnaire with guidance from ICF. The questionnaire is based on documented standards that are consistent with the six Factors of the Community Accelerator Strategy. ICF periodically reviews and updates the questions based on current best practices in development. Entered into ICF’s analytic model, data from the questionnaire produces a score for each Factor and a score for the community based on an equally-weighted average of the Factors.
Provisional Certification must be renewed annually through an update to the Assessment and Narrative Questionnaires and payment of the fee. For communities whose summary score meets or exceeds the threshold, ICF provides:
- Provisionally Certified listing on the ICF website.
- Detailed profile on the ICF website upon completion by the community of a Narrative Questionnaire describing its leading achievements.
- Issuance of a press release upon Provisional Certification and renewal.
- Ongoing email and social media promotion of all Certified communities to a combined audience of 12,000 contacts.
- Promotional video for the community's use on its website and in social media, which also appears in ICF promotion.
- Free Community Assessment Report that benchmarks against ICF’s global dataset the community’s readiness and progress at creating dynamic, prosperous and inclusive economies that strengthen social connections and support rich and meaningful cultures.
- For members of ICF, 20% discount on Certification fees using their unique member code.
- Consideration, unless you opt out, for the Intelligent Community Awards program in the next three annual cycles.
Full Certification
Full Certification requires an onsite audit by ICF. In an audit lasting up to two days, an ICF auditor validates the information provided by the community for its Provisional Certification and learns more about the programs and practices that make it an Intelligent Community. Audits are organized by the community with guidance from ICF and are conducted at the community’s expense for travel, accommodation and related auditor expenses.
Following the audit, the auditor prepares a report detailing results and offering recommendations for achieving further progress. The auditor then submits recommendations to ICF, based on those results, for positive or negative change to scoring on each of the six Factors.
ICF issues a Full Certification to qualifying communities, which is good for a period of three years, after which it must be renewed by an update to the Assessment and Narrative Questionnaires and a new site audit. With Full Certification, in addition to Provisional benefits, comes:
- Certified Intelligent Community logo for economic development and other marketing.
- Fully Certified listing on the ICF website.
- A confidential copy of the auditor’s report on results and recommendations.
- Issuance of a press release upon Full Certification and renewals.
- Ongoing email and social media promotion of all Certified communities to a combined audience of 12,000 contacts.
- Promotional video for the community's use on its website and in social media, which also appears in ICF promotion.
- For members of ICF, 20% discount on Certification fees using their unique member code. For non-members, free one-year membership in ICF, providing access to research, training and discounts on additional programs:
- Factor reports that offer strategies and tactics for improvement, illustrated by use cases from around the world.
- Community Accelerator Training to build the capacity of staff and partners for progress.
- Community Accelerator Coaching, providing consulting, connection with communities with relevant experience, workshops and ongoing support for your Intelligent Community journey.
- Consideration, unless you opt out, for the Intelligent Community Awards program in the next three annual cycles.