Each year, the Intelligent Community Forum presents an awards program for Intelligent Communities and the public-sector and private-sector partners who contribute to them. The awards program has two goals: to salute the accomplishments of communities in developing inclusive prosperity on a foundation of information and communications technology, and to gather data for ICF's research programs.
The process begins with communities filling out the ICF Questionnaire, which asks 27 multiple-choice, short answer and narrative questions. This may be completed and submitted at any time during the year. In the autumn of each year, ICF reviews the questionnaires submitted or updated over the prior three years. The analysis scores the quantitative data provided by communities against ICF's standards while an independent team of Analysts reviews answers to the narrative questions and scores them based on the ICF Method.
Smart21 Communities
At the end of that analysis, ICF announces its Smart21 Communities of the Year®, which are semi-finalists for Intelligent Community of the Year. Prior to the announcement, ICF informs all eligible communities - those whose questionnaire data is three years old or less - that they are under consideration, and we offer an opportunity to either update their information or to be excluded from the current Awards cycle.
Top7 Communities
The Smart21 then complete a more extensive and largely narrative questionnaire detailing their opportunities, challenges, and results. ICF's analysts review the questionnaires and, in February, ICF names the Top7 Intelligent Communities of the Year®. The Top7 receive media coverage both locally and internationally, and become the finalists for ICF's Intelligent Community of the Year award.
Intelligent Community of the Year®
Each of the Top7 communities host a visit from an ICF co-founder to validate the data provided in their questionnaire and gain first-hand insight into the key factors in their success as well areas needing further development The co-founders write reports, which are reviewed by an international team of jurors. Their votes are combined with the scoring from the Smart21 and Top stages to select the Intelligent Community of the Year®, which is named on the closing day of the Global Summit.