Economic Development Australia Workshop: Innovation: Building an Ecosystem for Growth

In this workshop, hosted by ICF and Economic Development Australia (EDA), participants who have completed ICF’s Accelerator Training course Innovation: Building an Ecosystem for Growth will have a chance to participate in a discussion of the content with presentations by experts.

Speakers include:

  • Robert Bell, Co-Founder, Intelligent Community Forum
  • Tiffany Bower, Industry Development Lead, Digital Economy and Innovation, Sunshine Coast, Queensland
  • Laura Hodgson, Principal Economic Advisor, City of Adelaide



brand-innovate-rounded-update.pngInnovation: Building an Ecosystem for Growth: Innovation produces 80% of economic growth, which is why every city or county needs an innovation strategy to drive growth, to sustain it and to solve the problems that growth brings. The course outlines two paths to true prosperity: one for economically strong communities in need of a better quality of life, and one for communities that need to overcome stagnation and trigger growth in a digital-dominated economy. It offers examples from multiple countries and communities of different sizes on smart city programs, the creation of a start-up economy and helping established businesses innovate their products and services. The course includes comprehension testing and an assortment of helpful additional content to enrich understanding.

To get full value from this workshop, registrants should complete the above one-hour, self-paced online course on their own between 3 June and 12 June, then attend a two-hour online workshop to discuss the content and conclusions of the course, hear from ICF community leaders and share their own experiences.

Course Schedule:


Welcome and orientation


Overview of public-sector & private-sector innovation and examples


Q&A #1




Sustainability & Innovation - Laura Hodgson, City of Adelaide


Q&A #2


Digital Economy & Innovation - Tiffany Bower, Sunshine Coast


Summing up & closing


For more information, contact [email protected].

June 13, 2024 at 10:00am - 12pm | New Caledonia

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