Hyperloop tech deemed feasible in central Ohio

COLUMBUS – On May 20, the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC) released the final report of its “Midwest Connect” Hyperloop Feasibility Study, which found that hyperloop technology is feasible along the corridor connecting Columbus with Chicago (via Lima, Ohio and Fort Wayne, Indiana) and Pittsburgh.

The feasibility study – which began in earnest in late 2018 – is part of MORPC’s Rapid Speed Transportation Initiative (RSTI) that focuses on better, faster connections to Chicago and Pittsburgh. The RSTI looks at transportation options that would not only enhance passenger and freight transportation in the Midwest, but also spur economic growth, generate opportunities for development, and create new opportunities for people and businesses in the Midwest megaregion.

“We have continued to advance the work along this corridor ever since winning the Virgin Hyperloop One Global Challenge for the Midwest Connect route, and conducting this feasibility study was one of our first, major action steps,” MORPC Transportation & Infrastructure Development Director Thea Ewing said. “The main takeaway is that hyperloop technology is, indeed, feasible along this route at its optimal speeds of more than 500 mph.”

Read the full story at delgazette.com.

Victoria Krisman
Victoria Krisman is Interactive Media Specialist and Communications Manager for the Intelligent Community Forum.
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