ICF Research Report Release: The Intelligent Community in Numbers


Coming October 20

This statistical portrait of the Intelligent Community is a snapshot based on data submitted to ICF by hundreds of communities of every size, on every continent and in both rural and urban settings. They provide this data in return for the opportunity to be considered for ICF’s Intelligent Community Awards as well as to receive a free analysis of their relative strengths and weaknesses and vie for a place in the annual Top 100 Intelligent Communities of the World ranking.

The Intelligent Community Forum has been at work for 15 years. That experience has convinced us that a community’s prosperity, its social health and cultural richness are in the hands of its people and their leaders. The numbers in this report are reflections of that attitude and faith, translated into action. They show what the place called home can achieve when it does the right things consciously, consistently and with care. They are not indicators of success achieved, but of success continually in the making in a broadband economy that changes day by day.

The 2017 Portrait is based on the 200 most recent questionnaires submitted to the Forum. They come from the US and Canada, Taiwan, Greece, Russia, Kenya, Brazil, Japan, India, Australia and New Zealand. Their populations range from 2,000 to 12 million, and their population density from 2 to 13,000 persons per square kilometer.

The Intelligent Community in Numbers will be released on October 20, 2017. It will be free for ICF Full Members and available for purchase by others.

October 20, 2017 at 12:00pm - 1pm | Eastern Time (US & Canada)

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