
24567 directory listings
Thierry Nicolas
Maire-adjoint de @mulhouse Assesseur communautaire.En charge de la stratégie Numérique et de la ville intelligente.

Alvéole œuvre en apiculture urbaine et fait la production de miel local sur les toits. Alveole promotes urban beekeeping on rooftops #alveole

Jeny NewHouse
eBusiness Millennial
Digital Marketer for SAQ
@eCom_montreal #copresidenteheureuse
I # with #mylittleMTL & #eComMTL

Myriam Claveau
Québec, QC
Rêve beaucoup. Va sûrement réaliser lesdits rêves. Stratège en communication numérique. Épicurienne assumée. Consomme de la culture.

François Gougeon
Montréal (Québec, QC
#Veille stratégique #sociétédusavoir #innovation #recherche/min. Économie, Science et Innovation du Québec/Mes propos n'engagent que moi

Adriana Prato
Proud mom of 2, wife, runner, architect. Passionate about city development and urban design. From Venezuela, living in Edmonton, Alberta

Irena Stevens
Telecom PhD student in Boulder; formerly working in San Francisco on telecom policy, cell sites, DAS, and broadband P3s

Ōsaka-shi, Ōsaka-fu
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult. E. B. White

Paris, Île-de-France
Je prône la crêpe complète et tout opposant sera battu, fouetté et monté en neige. #marketing #media #newtechnology #hôtellerie #smartcity et #allezParis

Start mapping, tell your stories and build strong communities. Connect to people, places, stories & ideas!

Dusty Johnson
Vice President of Consulting at Vantage Point Solutions. Former chair of SD PUC, former CoS to Gov. Daugaard. Husband to Jacquelyn and father to three.

Cathy Grimes
I'm the communications manager for the Virginia Tech Graduate School, a happily transplanted UW Husky living in the land of Hokies.

David Plug
Eclectic tweets about research, healthcare, communication, history & the world. My retweets do not equal agreement & may be random.

Virginia Tech Ncr
Northern, VA
Welcome to the official Twitter feed of Virginia Tech in the National Capital Region.

Nairobi, Nairobi
Cloud Business Email, Online Accounting, Payroll Software for SMEs, Online Marketing, Online Resume. Software as a Service (SaaS)

Pia Eugenie Sandvik
Oslo, Oslo

Eng Saleh
We have large project please contact us. رجل اعمال سعودي من الرياض هلا بالجميع و ارحب بكم و ابحث عن زواج مسيار و مستعد باي شروط

Chattanooga Chamber
Chattanooga, TN
We are more than 2,000 businesses, promoting economic growth throughout the region. #CHAChamberDiscounts

Argo Lehne Jewelers
Columbus, OH
Encouraging individual style for over 90 years. One of a kind bridal, contemporary, vintage & custom jewelry. Follow us on Instagram:@argolehnejewelers

Chris McCormick
Passionate about #collaborativeeconomy, #socialentrepreneurship, #urbandevelopment #massivesmall and #communication Let's play!

Columbus StartupWeek
Columbus Startup Week - May 2-6, 2016 - Powered by @Chase

Columbus, OH
MORPC is a voluntary association of local governments and regional agencies serving Central Ohio in the areas of planning, programming and public policy.

Mary Ann Brouillette
Interested in science communication, behavior change & environmental issues. Columbus, OH.

Montesdeoca M.
Generar conciencia propia y colectiva sobre un futuro sostenible. Esa es una tarea de Todos !!!!! #constructoresdeciudad #smartcities

Taye Diggs
Los Angeles, CA
I'm serious chocolate and don't get it twisted. #MixedMe