Preparing for the future of work in Hamilton

When someone mentions Hamilton, one of their first thoughts is the Steel City. There's no question that the success of companies like Stelco and Dofasco helped define Hamilton as a steel town for more than a century. Jobs in manufacturing were abundant, and in many cases generational, as the city heavily relied on steel and manufacturing as its main source of employment.

Over the past 20 years however, we've seen a tremendous shift in Hamilton's economy. In fact, the Conference Board of Canada now ranks Hamilton's economy as the most diversified economy in the nation. This means that as a city, Hamilton's economic growth is coming from a broad spectrum of key industry sectors. Steve Jobs once said, "try to do a very few things well," so in addition to the advanced manufacturing we continue to be known for, the City of Hamilton concentrates on a few key sectors to leverage the resources we have to grow Hamilton's economy.

Agriculture and food production is now one of the leading economic sectors for Hamilton, boasting hundreds of millions of dollars of investment in the past decade, involving international brands such as Grupo Bimbo (Canada Bread), Mondelez, Maple Leaf Foods and Tim Hortons (Canadian roasting operations).

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Victoria Krisman
Victoria Krisman is Interactive Media Specialist and Communications Manager for the Intelligent Community Forum.
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