2016 BIG Ideas: The Future of Local Government


Just as water is the driving force of all life, access to technology is quickly becoming the driving force of our local, national and global landscape. Without access, our community services and economies will struggle to be sustainable into the future.

Attendees will join provocateurs in large and small group conversations to discuss, “Reframing Digital Disruption.” Provocateurs will speak on trends of the topics – such as fiber as the 4th utility, communities modifying policies, and what governance and philosophical issues does this bring up. Over the weekend attendees will consider their greatest opportunities and vulnerabilities in the rapidly changing digital age.

ICF co-founder Lou Zacharilla will be presenting at the event as part of "The Broadband Imperative – The 4th Utility Defining Intelligent Communities." He will be joined by representatives from the cities of Longmont, Colorado and Chattanooga, Tennessee. Each will be making a presentation about the imperative for broadband. 

To learn more about the conference, visit http://transformgov.org/en/learning/big_ideas.

October 28, 2016 at 8:00am - October 31, 2016 | Central Time (US & Canada)
Crowne Plaza Hotel
600 Metro Pl N
Dublin, OH 43017
United States
Google map and directions

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