A non-invasive sensor that detects events in rooms without the use of cameras, a technology that converts text manuals into interactive Augmented Reality trainings and a voice recognition software that recognizes 50 different emotions to enable empathic human-machine interaction – these are just three out of 25 outstanding technologies that are nominated for the EIT Digital Challenge final.
The EIT Digital Challenge aims to identify the best digital deep tech innovations - complex disruptive solutions that are built around unique and differentiated scientific or technological advances and fuel the digital transformation. The 25 finalists come from 11 different European countries and were selected out of 200 applications. With an average teamsize of 38 people, an average revenue of €1.2M in 2017 and average funding of €4.2M, the companies are so called scaleups – startups in the growth stage.
Read the full story at eitdigital.eu.
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