Post-Pandemic Recovery: How Digital Innovation Drives Growth in Our Community
The COVID-19 pandemic brought devastation to communities across the globe. It left behind personal loss, economic disruption, unemployment and overwhelmed healthcare systems. Fortunately, most communities are now reopening and economies are starting to recover.
Over these past 2 years, digital technology and innovation have proven to be the most important drivers for recovery and social and economic progress, even under unprecedented conditions. Digital communications provided people with means to work from home or follow online classes, and e-commerce and other digital services accelerated, including online access to medical care. In short, the true potential of digitalization, technology and Intelligent Communities was revealed to the world.
The province of Binh Duong (Vietnam) has embraced the concept of innovation-driven economic transformation and digitalization since 2016, when it started its ambitious Binh Duong Smart City program. Supported and inspired by the 2011 ICF Intelligent Community of the Year, Eindhoven in The Netherlands, Binh Duong started an impressive journey of Intelligent socio-economic development.
On 21 June 2022, the Intelligent Community Forum (ICF) and Binh Duong province are pleased to jointly present the 2022 Top7 Intelligent Communities Conference & Announcement: "After the Pandemic: How Digital Innovation Drives Growth in Our Communities."
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Program (20 June)
Program (21 June)
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