CIO Roundtable from the 2021 ICF Summit - The Intelligent Community Podcast

In this freewheeling conversation, municipal CIOs and IT experts discuss the challenges of deploying reliable and secure information technology systems to support operations, deliver services and improve decision-making – within the limits of municipal budgets.  They explore the opportunities to expand capabilities and reduce costs provided by the latest technology developments.

Speakers include:    

Paul Leedham, CIO, City of Hudson, Ohio, USA


Doug McCollough, CEO, Color Coded Labs and CIO, City of Dublin, Ohio, USA


Moez ChaabouniManaging Partner and Chief Revenue Officer, Summit Technologies LLC (Moderator)



Louis Zacharilla
Co-Founder of the Intelligent Community Forum. Louis Zacharilla helped found the Intelligent Community movement. He is the developer of the Intelligent Community Awards program. He is a frequent keynote speaker and a moderator at conferences and events.