Creating a Safe Smart City with Artificial Intelligence

On behalf of ICF, Chairman and Co-Founder John G. Jung recently made a presentation as part of the 2021 NTPC International Smart City Forum, hosted by New Taipei City, Taiwan.

The 2021 NTPC International Smart City Forum was a full day event on November 5, 2021 that was focused on "Tech Epidemic Prevention and Zero-Carbon Economy: Building a Smart Resilient City.” In addition to John G. Jung, speakers included National Taiwan University Professor Hsiu-Hsi Chen, and PwC Taiwan Vice Chairman Paul Liu.

The Forum also marked the opening on an online Smart City Exhibition, which will be available for one year. The exhibition features five sections, each focused on a different direction of Smart City development, and has 30 virtual booths online for viewing. It can be accessed at

For more information on the New Taipei City Smart City initiative, visit

John G. Jung
Urban Planner; Urban Designer; Economic Developer; Author; Speaker; re. Smart & Intelligent Cities; Co-Founder/Chair ICF; ICF Canada, Global Cities Navigator.