How Toronto is becoming its own Canadian hub for game development

Immigration restrictions in the U.S. could hurt game companies in our country. It will limit the potential talent pool, making it difficult for top designers, programmers, and artists to come to this country to work. But Canada, and its looser immigration policies, can take in just about all the foreign workers it wants.

And this is one reason why Canada’s gaming scene is growing — the country now has 472 game companies, up by 143 since 2013 — and not just in the cities you would expect like Montreal or Vancouver.

When you think of the digital entertainment sector in Canada, you’d probably think of its two coastal cities. But the middle part of the U.S.’s neighbor of the north is growing its own studios and businesses. Toronto has over 13,000 technology companies that make $52 billion annually combined.

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Victoria Krisman
Victoria Krisman is Interactive Media Specialist and Communications Manager for the Intelligent Community Forum.
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