
9887 directory listings
Barrett Sydnor
Doing strategy, planning and innovation at Brainzooming. Teaching IMC. Reading policy/econ/mgmt.

To have Canada acknowledged as the world’s leading Intelligent Nation or “i-Nation” because a sufficiently broad base of Canadian communities, large and small,

Thales Canada
Thales Canada is a major employer and exporter in #transportation #defence #security and #avionics with 1,800 employees across Canada

John D. Vandersall
Columbus, OH
Reader of Time and Fortune. Quiet Confidence. Leading by Example. My tweets are my own.

Carlos Levy
Gatineau, QC
friend of my friends, Tech, futbol, politics, book lover, entrepreneur, beer coffee sushi and indian food.

Manu Caddie
“The road to power is paved with hypocrisy, and casualties.” - Frank Underwood

Ubicity is the Security and Surveillance in Smart Cities project based in the Surveillance Studies Centre at Queen's University, Ontario, Canada.

Catherine Mathys
Chroniqueure #techno @lasphere, blogueuse @rctriplex, collaboratrice @PlaneteF et chargée de cours @edmUQAM.

cristina ospina
bogota, Bogota

Greg Hunt
Aspiring author, fitful photographer, Saturday soccer-Dad, alliterationist.

Charles E. Morrison
Honolulu, HI
President, East-West Center. Retweets items of interest only

Adult Learning & Leadership Program Official Student & Alumni Organization @TeachersCollege at @Columbia Curated by @mikepalmi

Vincent Francoeur
Irvine, CA
Design Manager, Web & Mobile at Blizzard Entertainment

fernando nery, GRC (Governança, Riscos e Compliance), Monitoramento Continuo, Democracia, Natureza, Globalização, Rio de Janeiro, Vasco da Gama

Colin Graham
Enabling startups, SMEs, corporates & regions to grow though innovation. From UK, Aus since 02 #startups #scaleups #innovation #sunshinecoast

Huub Dormans
Noordoost-Brabant, NB
Directeur ondernemersliftplus, van talent tot ondernemerschap

David Farnes
Mobile Strategy, Digital Heath and Telecom Policy. Connecting dots and making connections.

Kelsey Conley
Stillwater, OK

Lloyd Alter
Managing editor at @treehugger , Adjunct prof at Ryerson School of Interior Design, contributor to Guardian,Corporate Knights, Azure and yes, there's more!

Lu Ramos
Rio de Janeiro - RJ, RJ
Gerente Comercial da Agência Atração Ideal. Contrate a Atração Ideal para seu Evento em :

Sherbrooke, QC
Page officielle de l'Université de Sherbrooke

Apa STaR
American Planning Association Small Town & Rural Planning Division.

Jordan Davis
Columbus, OH
Here to make things happen for Columbus.

Waterloo Airport
Official Airport Feed. Fly from Home. Tweet us M-F 8:30am to 4:30pm. #flyfromhome For immediate assistance 1-866-648-2256 or contact your airline directly.
Be featured on! Email [email protected]

H Colin Kilburn
BScEE Software Engineering

Parla, Comunidad de Madrid
Enamorado de la vida, agradecido eterno de Dios, el más orgulloso padre de todo el universo!

Adam Mekki
en vogue@