MSU Extension Intelligent Community Institute Quarterly Newsletter, October - December 2016

The Mississippi State University Extension Service Intelligent Community Institute (MSUES-ICI) assists and educates rural communities on how to plan for, transition to, and prosper in the digital age.

The MSUES-ICI conducts outreach and research that generates knowledge and shares information with Mississippi residents and the world on how communities can transition into and benefit from the digital age.

October – December 2016


The Intelligent Community Outreach Program (ICOP) consists of four steps: (1) awareness, (2) checklist, (3) implementation & documentation, and (4) recognition. We continue to work with rural communities to help them transition to the digital age and build inclusive, sustainable, and prosperous communities. To see the progress each community is making, please go to our website and check out our ICOP community map (bottom of home page). For more information on this program contact Dr. Gallardo via email ([email protected])

286  people reached this quarter 

Below are some efforts worth highlighting this quarter:
  • Awareness: Completed four (4) presentations across different Mississippi communities regarding the Digital Age and Rural Communities reaching 156 people.
  • Knowledge Workforce: Secured funding and completed training for six (6) Extension personnel on the Digital Works (DW) curriculum. Objective is to launch DW in multiple Mississippi communities early in 2017.
  • Digital Equity: Grant proposal in partnership with Tunica Economic Development Foundation made it to the second round but failed to gather sufficient votes to receive the funds. Exploring other funding options for the Technology-Educational-Digital Space concept. 
  • Marketing & Advocacy: Three (3) more Mississippi communities completed the first phase of the E-Front Door program. Kudos to the Communications students that made this possible!

Items of Interest 

Quote of the Quarter

"A mistake repeated more than once is a decision."
— Paulo Coelho.


(1) One MSU Extension publication was released titled "Work in Place: A Telework-Friendly Policy Framework." The objective of this framework is to serve as a starting point to make Mississippi telework friendly. 

(2) The Institute published two interactive maps. First map looked into population migration patterns using IRS data. This map is part of a larger effort to better understand the role of broadband access/adoption in population migration. The second map showcases broadband adoption/access data and socioeconomic characteristics known to impact broadband adoption and use at the Census tract level. The objective of this map is to increase broadband access/adoption awareness and provide needed information for planning purposes.
Matthew Owen
Executive Director, Intelligent Community Forum

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