Resilience is "The ability of assets, networks and systems to anticipate, absorb, adapt to and rapidly recover from a disruptive event or shock." The frequency and intensity of disruptive events, stresses and shocks to communities across Canada is increasing. The sustainable development of the economy, society and the environment of Canadian communities depends on them being resilient to these changes and continuing to deliver services that attract business and deliver an enriching way of life for citizens. Emerging "smart communities technologies" offer attractive social and economic benefits for the development of Canadian communities at all scales, but very few of them address the resilience challenges they face. This webinar will examine what the resilience challenges to Canadian communities are and how municipalities can better understand them, intelligently incorporating new innovations in Smart Resilience technology that can make them Future-Ready, enabling their sustainable development.
In this webinar, you will hear from the following speakers:
Alexander Hay, Founding Principal of Southern Harbour
Founding Principal of Southern Harbour, based in Toronto, Alec was previously the Resilience & Security leader at DIALOG, before which he served 25 years in the British Royal Engineers. He specialised over the last 30 years in fortifications and infrastructure development, which he practised around the World. An adjunct professor at the University of Toronto Centre for Resilience of Critical Infrastructure, he focuses on operational resilience of communities and infrastructure systems. He is a Principal and International Secretary of the Register of Security Engineers and Specialists.
Nick Martyn, Founder & CEO of RiskLogik
Nick Martyn is the founder and CEO of RiskLogik. RiskLogik provides network based risk analysis tools and services to help businesses and public sector organizations stay in business no matter what happens. Nick founded RiskLogik in response to the growing frequency, intensity and impact of hazards to business operations and critical infrastructure, and the consequential impact on sustainable growth and civil society world-wide. The motivation to found RiskLogik emerged from his experience in Afghanistan developing the Afghan National Development Strategy. Key leaders there were faced with dramatic and complex decisions to make about the development of their country, but had little evidence based decision support tools to help them reduce the complexity to actionable alternatives they could have confidence in. Regrettably, this condition exists globally in both the private and public sectors. In 2009 he founded the Masters of Business Administration for International Development (MBA4ID) in the Sprott School at Carleton University. Nick is a retired Canadian Army Officer with 30 year’s service, and five years spent in Afghanistan. He is a graduate of the Royal Military College of Canada and the Canadian Forces Command and Staff College.
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