TALLINN, Estonia (CNN) -- In a red brick building on a 19th-century Russian czarist military compound in Tallinn, Estonia, a team of cyber experts is analyzing the hacking of the Democratic National Committee and how a Western democracy can legally respond.
Inside, the building is cutting-edge high-tech. These military officers, lawyers and cyber techies are part of NATO's Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence, carrying out research, training and exercises. One of their biggest challenges: When it comes to cyber -- so far -- there is no agreed-upon international law of war.
"The international community is extraordinarily interested in this," said Michael N. Schmitt, chairman of the US Naval War College's international law department. "They're struggling with questions like, when the Russians hack into the DNC database and then release it, is that a violation of international law? What doors does that open with respect to our responses?"
Read the full story at kxlf.com.
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