Sarnia and Lambton County residents are needed to help build a plan for the future of the community, one focused on three core tenets: economy, culture, and society.
It might sound vague, but brainstorming work by the Intelligent Sarnia-Lambton Taskforce has helped Sarnia-Lambton become a mainstay on Intelligent Community Forum’s “Top 21 Intelligent Communities” list. Conversely, the last four years have been bittersweet as Sarnia-Lambton has been shut out of the whittled-down Top7 Intelligent Communities list.
Late Thursday, the task force announced it would hold a series of private and public forums to push their ongoing applications to the next level.
“When we didn’t make Top7 for the second, third time in a row, we started to ask ourselves: what are we trying to do?” Chris Gould, chair of the task force, said. “It’s not about the recognition. It’s about doing the right thing for Sarnia and the County of Lambton.”
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