'Empowering the Teacher of Tomorrow' at Tallinn Conference

The Learning Teacher Network held a successful International Conference titled 'Empowering the Teacher of Tomorrow' in Tallinn, Estonia on 22-24 September. More than 140 participants from 23 countries and all levels of education attended to network, share knowledge and experience, and learn more about Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and the Global Action Programme (GAP).

The Network is a key partner to UNESCO for the implementation and scaling-up of the GAP. The international conference was organized to inspire and boost capacity of educators and provide new knowledge to put into action in their own educational institutions.

In addition to 40 sessions run by presenters from schools, teacher education and NGO's delegates appreciated four keynote presentations that caught different but interlinked perspectives on ESD.

Ms Julia Heiss from UNESCO gave an overview of the GAP and the scaling up of ESD within the context of Sustainable Development Goal 4 . Ms Irmeli Halinen, former Head of the Curriculum Development at the Finnish National Board of Education, demonstrated the process to create a relevant curricula based on well-being for all in 21st Century Finland.

Read the full story at malaysiasun.com.

Victoria Krisman
Victoria Krisman is Interactive Media Specialist and Communications Manager for the Intelligent Community Forum.
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