Analytics provide an analysis of your community’s readiness to become an Intelligent Community based on six Factors in the ICF Method. Repeated over time, it details your progress in each of the areas that build inclusive prosperity, social strength and cultural richness in the face of the disruptions of our challenging century.
Completing a questionnaire
Analytics are based on the data you provide in a questionnaire, which you can complete online or in a Word form downloaded from the site. The questionnaire asks multiple-choice and short-answer questions plus narrative questions asking for descriptions of six community programs. From gathering information to filling out the form, the questionnaire takes between six and ten hours to complete. Go to the questionnaire →
After you submit your questionnaire
ICF will acknowledge receipt and offer you two options for the analysis with different price points. We will also – if you give us permission in the questionnaire – include your community for consideration in the next Intelligent Community Awards. Should you be selected as a semifinalist Smart21 Community, media exposure will give your progress a significant boost. You will then have the option to continue competing for the Top7 Intelligent Communities selection as well as Intelligent Community of the Year.
Report options
ICF provides two forms of reporting, which vary in the depth and scope of the analysis:
Snapshot Report
The Snapshot Report provides a high-level comparison of your community with ICF’s complete global dataset of Intelligent Communities. Numerical scoring in each of the Factors enables you to identify strengths and weaknesses compared with a real-world sample of cities and regions. Click on the icon to the right to open a sample report. Price: US$250
Analytics Report
The Analytics Report goes into substantially greater detail than the Snapshot Report, including a comparison to the most recent list of Smart21 Communities and recommendations for future development illustrated with examples from comparable Intelligent Communities. Click on the icon to the right to open a sample report. Price: $2,000