The Master Class is a one-day workshop for the individuals in government, institutions, business and the community who will lead your transformation into an Intelligent Community®. Delivered by an ICF leader, it trains them in the ICF Method, illustrated by roadmaps and practical examples from ICF's research into Intelligent Communities. It includes guided brainstorming about the most pressing challenges facing your community and potential projects that could address them. Attendees receive a detailed guidebook for later reference. Outcomes include:
- A common understanding of challenges and opportunities among the important stakeholders of your community.
- Identification of potential champions with a passion to support change, and initial commitment by them to take action.
- Insight into the priorities of greatest concern or interest to the community.
Want to know more? To prepare for the Master Class, ICF interviews you to learn about your challenges, assets and strategies, and advises you on the program and audience. You schedule the workshop, invite attendees and manage all aspects of the venue and program. An ICF executive leads the workshop and attends additional meetings or social functions during the two-day visit. Request details and pricing →