5G has been promoted for years as being the communications game changer for Industry 4.0 and the Industrial Internet of Things. If you’re not up to speed on 5G yet, it’s essentially the next generation of cellular communications that is reportedly 10x faster than current 4G speeds. While this increase in speed is critical to the expansion of things like autonomous cars and remote robotic surgery (see this CNN video for a brief explanation of 5G from a consumer point of view), it’s more of a process optimization factor for industry.
One area of industry in which the impact from 5G is expected to significant is robotics. As noted in a recent PMMI Business Intelligence report, “Robots 2019: Innovation 2 Implementation,” pick-and-place, collaborative, and mobile robots are expected to be the most impacted types of robots by the advent of 5G.
Read the full story at automationworld.com.
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