Grey County named a Top7 Intelligent Community

Grey County might be best known for its agriculture, outdoor tourism opportunities and abundance of snow in winter, but it is now receiving international recognition for its work to create a prosperous “broadband economy.”

The county has been named one of the world's Top 7 Intelligent Communities of 2017 by the Intelligent Community Forum (ICF). It is now in the running to be named Intelligent Community of the Year, an award that will be handed out at a ceremony in June in New York City.

“To make the Top 21 in the world was a huge success. To hear the announcement today that we've made the Top 7 in the world is certainly very exciting news for us. This will put Grey County on the map. We'll be invited then to New York City to showcase Grey County to the world,” Warden Alan Barfoot said in an interview Thursday following a Grey County council meeting in Owen Sound.

Intelligent Community nominees were evaluated on six “intelligent community indicators” – broadband, knowledge workforce, innovation, digital equality, sustainability and advocacy.

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Victoria Krisman
Victoria Krisman is Interactive Media Specialist and Communications Manager for the Intelligent Community Forum.
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