Kari Aina Eik is the Secretary General of the OiER – Organization for International Economic Relations, www.oier.pro, an international NGO and multi-stakeholder platform based in Vienna, Austria.
Ms. Eik is the Executive Director of the the USC (United Smart Cities) Program www.unitedsmartcities.org (lead by UNECE and OiER) and currently one of the leaders of the U4SSC United for Smart Sustainable Cities, https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/ssc/united/Pages/default.aspx, focusing on the finance guideline deliverables.
Currently she is also working to develop the SDG Cities Leadership Platform https://www.ungsii.org/sdg-cities , a new global city initiative with the aim to bring 25+5 cities SDG aligned by 2025.
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